New opening times on Thurs & Sat –  Follow us on Facebook 

How can we help?


We work with children and young people who struggle with a wide range of difficulties.

Issues ranging from self-harm, low self esteem, eating disorders, difficulties remaining on any task, even when self imposed, difficulties feeling positive or accepted, associated challenging behaviours, bi-polar disorder, psychosis and sensory integration difficulties.

Come and speak to some of those who have already attended and hear their stories.

We run individual support sessions and small group meetings to provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based intervention adapted to suit the needs of individuals who are attending, with fantastic success.

The Safety and Wellbeing of children and young people will always remain our priority and we will do all we can to ensure that they are provided with an equality of opportunity to achieve their true potential. We aim to remove the barriers which are often kin place when children and young people aged 0 – 25 years have a disability, special needs or mental health difficulties.

Volunteer with us

Your Confidentiality is our priority.

As we are an independent service, we can ensure your privacy, we do not share your information unless you instruct us to do so. We abide by GDRP so you can request your data and ask for it to be destroyed at any time.

We provide support to attend reviews and planning meetings with schools, colleges, nurseries, social care or health services and benefit tribunals.

We can also meet with you to prepare for meetings, know your child’s entitlements etc, or, if we are available and you feel that an independent advocate would be helpful, Janet can be on hand to come with you. We can also prepare tribunal cases, translate official reports etc with you and if appropriate we will take the lead in making an application for; Higher Tier Funding, SENDIST Appeals, The current Statements of SEN and the new Heath, Education and Social Care Plans from September 2019.

We provide nurseries and schools with specialist advice and support regarding children and young people who have hidden special needs and disability, particularly those on the autistic spectrum, have ADHD, Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia and Dyspraxia and associated mental health difficulties.

We are Easy to find, drive in to the Swan Pool Car Park, turn Right and drive up towards Buckingham school until you see our Centre on the left with the blue door.

We offer an independent Specialist Children and Family Services for all families in and around Buckinghamshire and surrounding counties who have children and young people/young adults from birth to twenty-five years of age who have any level of special needs and disabilities.

We specialise in supporting families that have family members who have hidden special needs and disabilities, such as Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Autism, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, learning difficulties and the wide range of associated difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, mental health difficulties, and social communication difficulties.

We also have the privacy needed to meet with families or young people, as well as the space and independence to offer a wide range of specialist services and support for all those families who come to Clearly.

We can assess young people and adults who appear to have fallen through the net and who may be really struggling with key aspects of becoming independent adults due to their difficulties with social communication, self-esteem and confidence issues.

We have a range of local referral streams we can initiate if initial informal assessments in our weekly clinics identify an underlying difficulty causing significant barriers to making good progress towards social relationships, employment or training etc.


Parking is available, charged per hour, spaces are always available outside of school times, disabled parking is available directly outside the centre.

We have the understanding and specialist advise provided by Janet Nicks and her senior volunteers to help you  with an action plan of how to achieve your goals for yourself or your child/children by supporting you, giving you accurate helpful advice and information, or sign-posting you to appropriate agencies and services in your local area, or working directly with you, or working with your family as is appropriate.

The site has a shared courtyard garden for space and some freedom for very active children and young people.

We are always working hard to meet the needs of our community and continue to look for ways of increasing our services and support.  If you are interested in volunteering to make a positive difference to families who may be struggling with Special Needs or Disabilities, please get in touch.

Common  Questions


We are located in Buckingham, and serve all of Bucks and the surrounding counties including Milton Keynes but our reach has extended to  many areas of the UK just because of our unique and specialist services which are getting harder to find with the government cutbacks.  If you can travel to us, we will do our best to support and advise you, at the very least we can direct you to another service closer to home.

ARe you a free service or do i need to pay?

We are free at point of contact yes! Although we could charge a lot for the services we provide, it’s important to our director that everyone has access to essential help and support, especially as she knows first hand how difficult the system is to navigate bringing up her own children with special needs as a single parent. Janet accepts contribution based pricing where you donate what you can, whether it’s money, time or perhaps some craft and food for our clubs.

Please note, our clubs and activities are not free unless stated, we charge a small fee per person, (group discounts available to help cover the costs of craft, food, and volunteer travel expenses.) If you are in recite of benefits do let us know as we don’t want you to be left out due to costs.

Please contact us and we can discuss your needs further.

How can i make a donation to your charity?

We accept online donations via our website which uses PayPal, please take a look. If you prefer, we also accept cheques and cash that you can either mail to us or pop down and hand in at reception. If your not sure send us an email or give us a call.

We are always happy to receive donations in the form of toys and games, games consoles, IT equipment, furniture suitable for our centre, as well as food for our clubs and gardening supplies. Perhaps you might even have something we can hand out to our families.

DO I NEED A REFERRAL to access your service?

No! We encourage parents, carers, and young people to self-refer themselves. Simply contact us via phone or email and we will talk you through the next steps to register with our charity so you can receive access to all our organisations specialist services free of charge.

(Please note to take part in our activities, you must register your child/yp so we can ensure to meet their requirements.)

Families can also be referred by any of the local statutory agencies suchas GPs, CAMs, Schools and nurseries, healthcare, social care, Adviza and youth advisory services etc… whether your contacting us on behalf of a client/patient or just curious about our service and wish to work with us just pop us an email at or give us a call on 01280 824871

I’ve left a message but haven’t heard back, help?

First, please accept our apologies for any delays. We have recently lost a few of our long term volunteers/trustees along with some big grants forcing us to reduce the amount of hours spent on admin.  We are sadly another underfunded, overstretched charity doing the best we can with the resources and man hours we have available.

We ask if you can be as patient as possible, and ensure you give us all your contact info by phone and email so we can be sure to get in touch quickly.

I would like to volunteer, how do i apply?

We have a number of year round roles involved at all levels our our charity including openings for trustees. We welcome abled and disabled volunteers aswell as provide volunteering opportunities for all ages and abilities. 

We are always on the lookout for help in the garden and kitchen as well as help with social media and maintenance of our website. Take a look on our volunteer page and apply using the form provided.